Inaction can be the Best Action

Not all things are home runs.

Some of the best deals you'll ever make are the ones you choose to pass on.

Warren Buffett likens stock picking to a baseball game with no called strikes—you can stand at the plate indefinitely, waiting for the perfect pitch. The same principle applies to real estate: you don’t have to swing at every opportunity. Patience is often your greatest asset.

However, unlike stocks, real estate requires active effort to uncover those home-run deals. You can’t just sit on the sidelines, waiting for the perfect pitch to come to you—by then, it may be too late, and someone else will have already closed the deal. The key is to be proactive: send out mailers, network with sellers, and stay engaged in the market. By taking deliberate action, you create the conditions for the right deal to come along—one that’s truly worth swinging at.


Pyrrhic Victories in Real Estate


Blog Post Eleven